Uncivilized Worl 1-3
First three releases on Uncivilized World the more experimental outlet for Epiteth Records.
The first record is Laurent Ho as Ho.exe showing his more experimental side giving us one mid paced heavy stomper, a couple of tunnel trips and one more broken upnumber.
With the second release by Elektroplasma we get one menacing atmosphere, one very playable pounding screeching cut and two more forget strangely PCP like. Side B has to tracks the first of wich adds an authentic feel to its broken beats with big synt breakdowns. The final track starts as a straightforward hard tekno track and reveals hidden levels of darkness as it progresses. Wicked lab, cool record.
Elektroplasma – Uw2
Eclectric release from Laurent Ho’s new sublabel sees stirrings from the Brittany coast.
The opener here is dark and hard splinter techno with carefelly used sonic-jet sounds followed up by a very unexpected groove-inducing track that, in its own way, manages to summon up a kind of « Energy Flash » feel. The flipside sees muffled lapses, dirty sounds and distorsion treatments working to undemine responses wih the last track managing to successfully pull-off the use of a twisted Morrocan pipe sound. An EP marked by an unusual use of samples and an exciting range.
Flint Michigan