For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not? A Compilation for the People Of Ukraine

En temps normal, je me serai dis fier d’avoir participé à l’une des plus grandes compilations de musique. Mais l’heure n’est pas à sa propre fierté mais au soutien d’un peuple agressé et qui souffre.
Ces quelques notes de musique semblent ridicules face aux enjeux de cette maudite guerre, mais nous, artistes, avons aussi notre rôle à jouer.
Merci par avance pour votre soutien.

Normally, I would say proud to have participated in one of the greatest compilations of music. But the time is not for its own pride but for the support of an attacked and suffering people.
These few musical notes seem ridiculous in the face of the stakes of this cursed war, but we, artists, also have our role to play.
Thanks in advance for your support.

For Peace. Against War. Who Is Not? A Compilation for the People Of Ukraine
Component Recordings

Elektroplasma Écrit par :

Musicien électronique français / French electronic music composer